Special Education Curriculum

In collaboration with Curriculum Services, parents, teaching staff, and community members, the curriculum is developed, implemented, and revised for students with disabilities in the Special Services department. Committees assure the alignment with state and local standards. In addition to developing a curriculum for students with disabilities working on State Content Standards, the Special Services department develops a curriculum to teach the South Dakota Core Content Connectors for those individuals needing an alternate curriculum. According to Marzano (2003), a guaranteed and viable curriculum is the factor that has the most impact on student achievement.

Each major curriculum strand is included in a seven-year review cycle. The written curriculum, unless it is implemented correctly, will not guarantee student success. The Special Services Department provides professional development to assist all staff in becoming more effective in working with students who have learning difficulties.

Resource English Language Arts

6th Grade

Resource Language Arts builds on students’ prior knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, word usage, and mechanics of writing while incorporating the unique learning needs of students. The curriculum provides tailored instruction that guides students toward meeting grade 6 standards in the four components of language use: reading, writing, speaking and listening.


7th Grade

Resource Language Arts serves students eligible for specially designed instruction in reading and writing as identified on their individual education plan. This class has a modified curriculum focused on providing instruction tailored to the unique learning needs of its students, guiding their progress towards grade-level standards in reading, writing, language, listening, and speaking.


8th Grade

Resource Language Arts builds on students’ prior knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, word usage, and mechanics of writing while incorporating the unique learning needs of students. The curriculum provides tailored instruction that guides students towards meeting grade 8 standards in the four components of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, and supports students in constructing meaning and making using language in different contexts. The course includes exposure to various genres of literature to improve reading and writing skills.


Resource Math

6th Grade

Resource math incorporates the unique learning needs of students in providing tailored instruction in mathematics, guiding students towards proficiency in grade 6 standards. Course content focuses on five critical areas of mathematics: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of the division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; (4) developing an understanding of statistical thinking; and (5) reasoning about relationships among shapes.


7th Grade

Resource math incorporates the unique learning needs of students in providing tailored instruction in mathematics, guiding students towards proficiency in grade 7 standards. Course content focuses on three critical and two supporting areas of mathematics. Critical content areas: (1) developing an understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing an understanding of operations with rational numbers; (3) working with expressions and linear equations. Supporting content areas: (1) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (2) drawing inferences about populations based on samples and investigating the chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.


8th Grade

Resource math incorporates the unique learning needs of students in providing tailored instruction in mathematics, guiding students towards proficiency in grade 8 standards. Course content focuses on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.


Tier II Social Skills

6th Grade

The Positive Student Interaction (PSI) course is designed to help students develop social and emotional skills. Students develop an awareness of their actions, create a positive self-concept, and learn skills to manage their emotions. Placement in PSI is determined through SAT, building administration, and/or IEP documentation. The PSI course is available to students in grades 6, 7, and 8.


7th Grade

The Positive Student Interaction (PSI) course is designed to help students develop social and emotional skills. Students develop an awareness of their actions, create a positive self-concept, and learn skills to manage their emotions. Placement in PSI is determined through SAT, building administration, and/or IEP documentation. The PSI course is available to students in grades 6, 7, and 8.


8th Grade

The Positive Student Interaction (PSI) course is designed to help students develop social and emotional skills. Students develop an awareness of their actions, create a positive self-concept, and learn skills to manage their emotions. Placement in PSI is determined through SAT, building administration, and/or IEP documentation. The PSI course is available to students in grades 6, 7, and 8.



Life Skills (LS) ELA

LS ELA incorporates the unique learning needs of students by providing tailored instruction in the four components of language use: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students work from a modified curriculum based on connectors to general education grade level ELA content standards that promote increased levels of independence, and support connections to functional skills. Students are encouraged and supported in a continuous effort to increase foundational and functional reading skills, vocabulary knowledge and usage, awareness of language and text structures, and verbal and written reasoning skills.

Life Skills (LS) Math

LS Math incorporates the unique learning needs of students by providing tailored instruction in mathematics. Students work from a modified curriculum based on connectors to general education grade level Math content standards that promote key mathematical understanding and support connections to functional skills. Students are encouraged and supported in a continuous effort to foster higher levels of mathematical reasoning.

Life Skills (LS) Science

Working from a modified curriculum, LS Science promotes access to grade-level content standards by pinpointing the big ideas and concepts of the SD Science Standards. Through guidance and support from peers and adults, students investigate core ideas and concepts in life science, physical science, earth and space science, and health science. Students connect science ideas and concepts to the world around them, supporting connections to functional skills. Students are encouraged and supported in a continuous effort to foster higher levels of scientific reasoning.

Life Skills (LS) Social Studies

Working from a modified curriculum, students identify and explain how humans continue to modify the physical environment in ways that reveal their cultural values. They are guided to analyze in-depth aspects of cultural, physical, and political geography, and learn to use maps, globes, and atlases. Students are encouraged and supported in a continuous effort to foster higher levels of understanding of the world around them.

Fundamentals of Art

Fundamentals of Art includes providing instruction for students needing a smaller, more supported setting. With lessons tailored to specific learning needs, students will have the opportunity to create, collaborate, connect, and think critically.

Fundamentals of PE

Fundamentals of PE are designed to encourage lifelong fitness activities and may include part or all of the following: the development of gross motor skills, positive social skills and sportsmanship, stamina and cardiovascular endurance, and balance and coordination. Students engage in activities that promote interpersonal skills, problem-solving, and relationship building while engaging in fitness and movement activities.

Fundamentals of CTE

Fundamentals of CTE provide instruction for students needing a smaller, more supported setting. This course is designed to teach students the basics of career and technical education. Students learn to engage with and identify science, technology, engineering, and mathematics concepts. The course provides exposure to various technical careers and supports students' functional skills.

Fundamentals of Music

Fundamentals of Music provides instruction for students needing a smaller, more supported setting. This course engages students through singing and movement. Students learn about rhythm, melody, and composition.

Fundamentals of FACS

The fundamentals of FACS provide instruction for students needing a smaller, more supported setting. This exploratory course engages students with topics including relationships, career exploration, textiles, food preparation, and healthy nutrition practices. The fundamentals of FACS help students to develop important life skills which foster independence, lead to better life choices, and promote healthier living.

Educational Sessions For Parents

The Special Services Department welcomes communication regarding special education and related topics with all stakeholder groups, especially parents. Through an annual parent survey process, parents have communicated wanting more information about topics and organizations supporting youth with disabilities. As a result, a planning group of parents, partner agencies, and District leadership staff designed three educational sessions available for all parents/guardians of youth with disabilities.

State Performance Plan

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 requires states to have in place a State Performance Plan (SPP) that evaluates the State's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of IDEA and describes how the State will improve student performance/achievement. The State reports to the public these results annually. The South Dakota Department of Education provides information to each South Dakota school district about their performance on the 16 indicators.

Patti Ward-Maguire

Dr. Patti Ward-Maguire

Coordinator Secondary Special Education

✆ (605) 367-7938
✉ Email Patti Ward-Maguire
➢ IPC - Special Education